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lemons and lemonade

Lemons and Lemonade

[zilla_likes] I’ve always had a ‘nice young man’ face. An innocent face. Those faces that make neighbors believe that I’m the most outstanding, law abiding youth in the estate. If you were to tell them that, say, Simon smokes M.J, they’d hold their mouths in horror and disbelief. Simon? ule mmoja?! They’d ask completely nonplussed. […]

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Loyalty > Love

[zilla_likes] Every day, I trust human beings less and less. It’s the stories I hear of lengths human beings have gone to hurt another. It’s the billion dollar entertainment industry built on our vices and shortcomings as a people. It’s politicians who promise us the world and deliver nothing after a decade in office. It’s […]

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Pinky Ring

[zilla_likes] On a star-studded cold Friday night, I am seated on a friend’s couch in his apartment along Thika Road. It’s a new maroon couch but it looks like it’s already seen better days. The TV is playing something on YouTube. Cardi B, I think. One of her million collabos. Songs you hear and immediately […]

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